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Habana off - scale 1 (2017)


Havana Off - Scale 1 was a route  programming  alternative that went through the  International Theater Festival of Havana with the aim of training experiences that redirected the gaze towards creative and social contexts outside the central-theater circuit of the city. They proposed a route another to the viewer so that he could dialogue with samples of finished works and in processes, clinics of future projects, facilities,  exhibitions and performative concerts. Searches directed from investigations of  personal, collective and affective memory, contextual art and performance participated in part of the municipalities Centro Habana and  Old Havana, sensibly delimiting a special / ideal / creative / living territory.

Coordinated by Osikán - creation nursery  and by the Scenic Laboratory for Social Experimentation, Scale 1 is the result and continuity of practices channeled by these creative platforms in other contexts: Café Tubo de Ensayo and Underground, Autumn Theater, Ibsen Spaces, Ibsen Zone Creation Residence, Zone 0 - scenic experimentation workshop, just to mention a few.

Osikán - creation nursery  

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